What Does THIS Mean for Stocks?

We have just witnessed history today. The volatility index $VIX has absolutely crashed from a high of 65 last Monday to a 15 handle today! Just 8 trading sessions later.

I show you what’s happened in the past when this type of move has occurred, along with getting you updated on the latest economic prints and price action across financial markets.

✅ For more detailed research and trading tools, check out my website links below.
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🚀 Get my Stock Picks Before I Buy Them https://www.clickcapital.io/stock-picks-service
📈 25 Custom TradingView Indicators https://www.clickcapital.io/tradingview-indicators
🤓 Trading, Investing & Wealth Course https://www.clickcapital.io/course
🤖 Automated Stock Trading Bot https://www.clickcapital.io/trading-bot
🧮 Trading tools that I use https://www.clickcapital.io/trading-tools

Hi there!

My name is Jared Mann, I’ve been trading and investing for 20+ years. I previously worked for a large investment bank in the treasury department. I resigned in 2008 and have been trading, investing and running businesses since then. It’s my pleasure to bring this Daily Market Review to over 10,000 investors from all around the world to help keep you up to date on every thing happening across financial markets in stocks, bonds, commodities, currencies and more.

Thank you for tuning in and supporting this channel!

Video Content:
0:00 – Start
0:24 – Market Analysis
1:21 – VIX CRASH
4:10 – Market Internals
5:30 – Is it 1995 again?
9:23 – Up 50% today
11:23 – Walmart Earnings
13:09 – Global Health Emergency
13:51 – Economic Data
16:44 – Commodities & Geopolitics
18:50 – Goldman Gets into Bitcoin
20:14 – Railroad stocks in 1800s

#MarketAnalysis #Volatility #EconomicData #StockInvesting #Volatility #Economics #VIX #YenCarryTrade #Commodities #StockMarket #MarketCycles #Crypto #OnlineTrading #NYSE #NASDAQ #TechnicalAnalysis #TechnicalIndicators #TradingView #StockCharts #SP500 $SPY $QQQ $IWM $VIX $TLT $GLD $USO $BTC $AAPL $TSLA $NVDA $AMZN $MSFT $GOOGL $META

*Please note, all political commentary on this channel is intended to be neutral, with a focus on the facts and how it relates to the markets.

*Financial Disclaimer: All of our content is not financial advice and should be considered as educational only. We are not licensed financial advisors. Please use our content, products and services at your own risk. Trading stocks, ETFs, commodities, forex and other instruments comes with significant risk of loss of capital and isn’t suited for everybody. Please don’t copy our trades and always trade at your own risk.
