What I Love This Week

We won’t be celebrating Thanksgiving with all of our extended family and friends this year, but I’m still looking forward to it. We have so much to be thankful for, even in all of the madness of 2020. Daniel and I celebrated a few Thanksgivings with just the two of us when we lived on the other side of the country and those are some of my favorite holiday memories. We’ll be spending this Thanksgiving day with our parents and that’ll be enough 🙂

I wrote a post with some tips on celebrating holidays without family based on my experience. It’s depressing and frustrating that I originally wrote that for Easter and it’s still relevant now.

I hope everyone has a small, safe, and happy holiday!

A few good reads:

There have been a bunch of celebrity sightings in Central Park recently. Barry the Barred Owl has captured everyone’s attention. “He’s a great looking owl.”

There finally seems to be a solution to the foggy glasses problem: putting a bandaid over the mask.

A fascinating look at spider silk, which is stronger than kevlar.

It turns out computers judge women based on their appearance too. The top label from Google’s image recognition service was “official” for men politicians and “smile” for women. A troubling look at bias in AI.

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