What is Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing (CPET)

Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing (CPET) is the solution to modern society’s health problems.

Most importantly, the public need to understand that the primary goal is to improve the body’s ability to use more oxygen.

CPET allows for technology to simplify exercise prescription.

This video explains the basic application of CPET and the practical benefits any individual will apply to their daily life through undergoing a CPET assessment.

Research shows an increase of 1 ml oxygen per kg, per minute, equals 10% reduction in all cause mortality.

Research also shows an increase in 1 ml oxygen per kg, per minute, equals $500 reduction in annual health care costs (in the USA).

If you want to decrease the risk of dying, or decrease annual medical costs, you will benefit from undergoing a CPET assessment to develop a personalised exercise plan to increase your oxygen uptake during exercise.

Book your CPET assessment at Medicise through our website www.medicisesa.co.za

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