What is CBD Oil and How to Buy the Best Cannabidiol Hemp Extract Products [2019 Review]

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WHAT IS CBD? Introduction to CBD!

CBD represents cannabidiol, a cannabis compound associated with a wide range of noteworthy medical benefits with plenty of scientific literature to back it up.

It also does not make people feel “stoned” or “high” like the psychoactive cannabinoid THC and as a preventative medicine, is set to be the next great natural health product of the future. The fact is CBD-rich cannabis is non-intoxicating and makes it an appealing option for users looking for relief without the cannabis high.

Here’s just a few highlights of what hemp-derived CBD Oil Clinical research has brought to life as possible working applications and solutions for a wide range of symptoms:

• Joint support*
• Nerve support*
• Pain support*
• Stress and Anxiety support*
• Mood support*
• Sleep support*
• Brain support*
• Digestive support*
• Sleep support*
• Inflammation support*
• Seizures/Spams support*
• Epilepsy support*
• PTSD support*
• Appetite support*
• Immune response support*

And this is just to name a few. Time and time again, CBD has demonstrable neuroprotective and neurogenic effects as well as its anti-cancer properties are currently being investigated at several academic research centers in the United States and elsewhere.
Cannabinoids (found in the cannabis plant) are chemicals that trigger the cannabinoid CB1 and CB2 receptors in the brain and body, know as the endocannabinoid system.

You will see an example of where CB1 and CB2 receptors are located in the body. These receptors are found on cell surfaces and impact various biological processes.


CB1: Located in the brain, central nervous system, the skin and many other areas.
CB2: Found throughout the peripheral nervous system, metabolic tissue, and immune cells.

While this is meant to act as a basis for discovering what cannabidiol oil’s therapeutic effects are, it is very important for users to follow a simple system to selecting the right CBD oil product for you.


CBD RICH PRODUCTS: For optimal beneficial effects, it is in the majority to say picking supplements which include both CBD, a non-intoxicating compound, and THC, the main psychoactive component of cannabis is the best product to experience the most bang for your buck. You will see colorful descriptions such as full-spectrum or ‘whole plant entourage effect’ but it is shown that THC and CBD work best together by activating the body’s receptors better.

LAB TESTING: As the industry continues to blossom with the hemp farm bill act being signed, seeking products that have third-party lab results to test for consistency is a major key to verify its potency as well as its purity of containing no pesticides, harmful bacteria, mold, solvent residues and other concerning contaminants.

CLEAR LABELS: Labeling accuracy is going to go through its growing pains so be sure to check the quantity and ratios of CBD/THC per dosage, as well as history of origins, ingredients sourced and manufacturing date/batch number for quality assurance.

CANNABIS NOT INDUSTRIAL HEMP: A quick hemp vs whole-plant comparison will indicate hemp is usually low in cannabinoid substance. A large quantity of hemp is necessary to extract minute amounts of CBD, which ushers in the risk of more problematic containments as hemp is known for being a bioaccumulator of toxins in the soil. This is where the other buzzword of terpenes come into play as the whole plant cannabis profile enhances CBD Oil’s medicinal benefits.

QUALITY INGREDIENTS: Know the origin of your product. Research the company history, branding, and total product lines is great way to ensure how ingredients are sourced. Ensure there is no corn syrup, trans fats, toxic flavoring agents or artificial additives.

SAFE EXTRACTION: Make sure toxic solvents like hexane, propane or hydrocarbons were not used in the extracting process. Instead, seek what has been proven as a safer extraction method like using the supercritical CO2.

SUBLINGUAL DROPS + SPRAYS: Fast delivery, smoke free, effects may be felt 10-15 minutes, benefits may last 1-4 hours.

TOPICAL CREAMS + BALMS: Apply directly to skin for aches + pains, effects may be felt within 5-20 minutes.

DIGESTED EDIBLES: Slow release, precisely dosed, odor free, effects may take 1-2 hours, benefits may last 6+ hours.

VAPE CARTRIDGES: Fast delivery, Effects may be felt within 5-10 minutes, Benefits may last 1-2 hours.

SOFT GEL CAPSULES: Slow release, precisely dosed, odor free, effects may take 1-2 hours, benefits may last 6+ hours.

EXTRACT APPLICATORS: Ideal for dabbing cooking, oral dosing and topical use. Effects may take 1-2 hours and benefits may last 6+ hours.

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