What To Eat On A 1000 Calorie Diet?

What To Eat On A 1000 Calorie Diet
What To Eat On A 1000 Calorie Diet

Topic: What To Eat On A 1000 Calorie Diet?

1000 calorie diet is a hypocaloric diet. His weight loss concept is based on a simple mathematical logic: consume fewer calories than your body will use.

Although you can increase calorie burning or loss through exercise, you can also do so through a 1000 calorie diet. If you do not have time to do sports and lose weight, you can resort to a diet.

Here we discover how to do a 1000 calorie diet and lose weight immediately. Pay attention!


A 1000 calorie a day diet is pretty meagre. Although it depends on the height, age and gender, it can be said that 1000 calories a day are few. Therefore, it is not recommended to do additional exercise to burn more. Or one thing or another.

If you are on a 1000 calorie diet, you need to pay close attention to the nutritional value of the food you eat to ensure that your body takes in all the nutrients it needs.

The calories must be very measured, so you can not take sweets or alcoholic beverages, not even substituting other foods. It would be a severe mistake.

The standard percentages of the nutritional value of a 1000 calorie diet should be:

  • Calories from Fat 35%
  • Less than 300 mg of cholesterol
  • At least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables

This diet’s main food is fruits and vegetables since they have very few calories and a high amount of fibre and water. Foods high in water and fibre make you feel fuller and more satiated, so you’re less likely to overeat.

1000 Calorie Diet : Allowed Foods

You have to know that to do this diet so low in calories, the food you eat must be controlled to the maximum. And the key to this diet is not to exceed 1000 calories a day, a meagre and difficult amount to comply with unless you control it thoroughly.

The best way to control the calories you take in a day is to check the energy information of each of the products you consume. Here, in general, they will tell you how many calories are in the 100 grams of the food in question. However, what do we do with fresh or unwrapped produce? Our advice is to download one of the many applications that currently exist, which will allow you to count calories. In this way, it will be much easier for you to know exactly how much you eat per day.

That said, you have to know that the key to carrying out this diet is that you eat foods that are nutritious and low in calories at the same time. If you want to eat more energetic food (as would be the case with carbohydrates), it is best to reduce it considerably.

So that you can do this diet well, here is a list of allowed foods that will help you design the best diet for you:


They are filling, contain fibre and many nutrients. Therefore, they will help you to spend the hours better and to be well-nourished. It is best to eat them between meals, mid-morning and mid-afternoon, to get through the hours between meals.


They are essential for a 1000 calorie diet because they are low in calories and very filling at the same time. They are usually rich in fibre, water and many nutrients, so they are essential in your diet.

Light proteins

Low-fat proteins such as lean meats (chicken, turkey, or rabbit) and whitefish are ideal for this diet because they are low in calories. However, it would help if you did not overdo it; try to eat a maximum of 100 grams of protein, not exceed yourself in calories.

Decreased dairy products

Yoghurts and skimmed milk can be part of your diet because they are very satisfying and low in calories. However, avoid whole versions as much as possible because they are high in fat. Cheeses, prevent them altogether.


You can consume carbohydrates BUT in a minimal way. That is, always in shallow portions because it is a type of food that is very energetic. Therefore, it has many calories. Also, it would help if you always took it in its integral version and the morning or at noon.


Now that you know all the foods that you can eat, we must understand the other side of the coin. In general, you should know that in a 1000 calorie diet, we cannot eat very caloric and fatty ingredients because, with just one intake, we would eat almost all the calories. To give you an idea: a hamburger menu in fast food gives us between 800 to 1000 calories. Therefore, we could not eat anything else.

Here we leave you a complete list of the foods prohibited in the 1000 calorie diet. Take note!

Sweets and sugary

It is prohibited. These foods only provide us with calories and saturated fat, yet they do not satisfy our appetite or enrich us with nutrients. Eliminate them!


If you are a very cheesemaker, you will have to say goodbye to this ingredient during the diet. It is not even recommended to eat the light version because, although it is lower in calories, it is still very rich in them and fat.

Sauces and fried

When cooking your food, you should do it most lightly and healthily; therefore, no sauces or excess oil to fry or batter. If you want to enrich your dishes, opt for spices or aromatic herbs.

Fast food

Of course, no pizzas, no French fries, no hamburgers, or hot dogs … To be able to follow this diet to lose weight, you must eat healthily and bet on low-fat foods.


It is strictly prohibited. Alcohol is an enemy of any hypocaloric diet because it is a drink that has many empty calories. To give you an idea, a 33 cl beer can provide us with 160 calories. So, with only 2, we will already be exceeding 300 calories.

Last update on 2021-03-30 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Good Calories, Bad Calories: Challenging the Conventional Wisdom on Diet

If you want to know what kind of food you can consume on a 1000 calorie diet, you have to consider that all recipes have to go with plenty of vegetables. In this way, you will be able to increase each dish’s nutritional contribution and avoid overeating.

Here we leave you 3 examples of recipes that you can incorporate into your hypocaloric diet. Take note!


An ideal dish for lunch and dinner is this varied salad in which we will use tuna to provide a little protein. However, the tuna must be natural, that is, without oil to reduce the caloric intake to the maximum.

The ingredients for 1 person are:

  • Half a can of natural tuna
  • Lettuce mix: endive, iceberg, arugula, lamb’s lettuce, etc.
  • Tomates cherry
  • White asparagus
  • Artichoke hearts
  • Cucumber
  • Green and red pepper
  • Onion
  • Pickled cucumber

You should wash all the ingredients well and cut them into similar pieces to fully integrate all the flavours. You can dress the salad with a bit of olive oil, salt and apple cider vinegar but, if you want fewer calories, you can dress it in a little lemon.


Another ideal recipe for this diet is the one that mixes light proteins with vegetables. On this occasion, we will prepare some chicken cubes with vegetables that will be delicious. The necessary ingredients are:

  • 80 grams of chicken cut into cubes
  • Wild asparagus
  • Broccoli
  • Mushrooms
  • Onion
  • it
  • Vegetable or chicken broth (can be packaged or homemade, as you like)
  • Natural artichokes

We will start by preparing the vegetables. To do this, we will clean them and cut them into equal pieces. We will put a splash of lemon in a pan and, immediately, we will add the chicken, artichokes, and asparagus.

When they are half cooked, we will add the rest of the ingredients together with the broth. This broth will allow us to make the meat juicier and not excessively dry. Also, it will add more flavour to the dish. Clever!


You can take legumes in your diet because it is an ingredient that provides us with 50% protein and 50% carbohydrates. But, yes, the amount must be very controlled to avoid excess calories.

To make this dish for 1 person, you will need:

  • 80 grams of cooked chickpeas
  • 150 grams of fresh spinach
  • 1 clove garlic

We will start by boiling the spinach in a pot with plenty of water and a salt pinch. In 10 minutes, this vegetable will be ready, and we will have to strain it and drain it well to remove excess water.

When they are ready, we will put a pan with a bit of olive oil and, as soon as it is hot, we will add the finely minced garlic clove. Next, we will add the chickpeas and spinach and sauté so that all the ingredients are mixed. Easy and delicious!


An adult person, depending on their physical condition, their gender and their daily activity, may need between 1800 to 2200 calories a day. Therefore, this is the energy that the body requires to function correctly and stay as it is. Opting for a 1000 calorie diet is outrageous. It’s about dramatically reducing the power we need each day with the simple goal of losing weight.

This low-calorie diet can be very harmful to our health. We can experience side effects like:

  • Dizziness
  • Soft spot
  • Fatigue
  • Sickness
  • General discomfort
  • Exhausted
  • Anaemia
  • Hormonal disturbances
  • Malnutrition
  • Excess hunger
  • And so on

Think that we are giving our body a much lower amount than it needs per day. Therefore, suddenly, it has to “manage” to satisfy the energy demand that our body requires in its daily functions. This can cause a solid internal imbalance that directly affects our health.

Therefore, experts and nutritionists recommend going on a 1000 calorie diet if you want to lose weight healthily. It is best to reduce about 400 calories a day with food and then practice physical exercise to eliminate excess fat naturally and healthily.


So that you can see how to distribute the calories in food throughout the day, here are 7 examples of the daily menu for the 1000 calorie diet.

Menu 1


As soon as you wake up: a coffee with skim milk, a tea or a glass of skim milk alone. You can use a sweetener for tea and coffee.

  • 3 hours later (mid-morning) 200 grams of fruit. You can choose the one you like the most.

Half morning

  • a tea or coffee with 2 fruits


  • 200 grams of vegetables cooked and sautéed with little oil (always olive)
  • 100 grams of beef fillet
  • 1 egg (as you like)


  • a tea or coffee with 2 fruits


  • 200 grams of hake
  • 100 grams of roasted peppers or 1 cooked potato

Menu 2


  • 1 coffee with skim milk, a tea or a glass of skim milk alone. You can use a sweetener for tea and coffee.
  • 1 mixed ham and cheese sandwich

Half morning

  • a tea or coffee with 1 fruit


  • 80 grams of mushroom sautéed with 20 grams of ham cubes.
  • a 2-egg omelette
  • 50 grams of fresh cheese


  • a tea or coffee with 2 fruits


  • 100 grams of beef
  • 1 large mixed salad

Menu 3


  • 1 coffee with skim milk, a tea or a glass of skim milk alone. You can use a sweetener for tea and coffee.
  • 200 grams of fruit. You can choose the one you like the most.

Half morning

  • a tea or coffee with 1 skimmed yogurt


  • 200 grams of lettuce and tomato salad. You can add onion, salt and oil (little of this)
  • 200 grams of baked or boiled fish
  • 1 orange or 1 kiwi


  • a tea or coffee with 2 fruits


  • 75 grams of nuts
  • 3 raw tomatoes in a salad

Menu 4


  • 1 banana
  • 1 fresh orange juice (200 ml)
  • 1 coffee or 1 tea

Half morning


  • 70 grams of roasted chicken breast (without the skin)
  • 80 grams of mashed potato with 30 ml of skimmed milk
  • 60 grams of Broccoli, steamed or boiled.
  • 50 grams of cooked carrots
  • 100 ml of light mayonnaise sauce or oil and salt instead on the vegetables.


  • 1 fruit, the one you want, to choose.


  • 70 grams of tuna (canned, natural) and 10 grams of low-calorie mayonnaise. A teaspoon.
  • Mixed lettuce salad (50 grams, with another 50 grams of red or yellow pepper, and 10 grams of an onion)
  • A relaxing infusion.

Menu 5


  • Banana smoothie: mix 1 plain skimmed yogurt with 1 teaspoon of honey, 1/2 banana, 1 cup of strawberries, 1 tablespoon of flax seeds, 1/2 cup of water.

Half morning

  • Turkey or fresh cheese sandwich


  • Tuna salad with apple, celery, lettuce, tomato and walnuts. You can dress it with light mayonnaise.


  • 1 fruit, the one you want, to choose.


  • Burger
  • Salad with carrots, lettuce, cucumber, tomato.
  • Dinner and lunch can be interchanged.

Menu 6 


  • 2 scrambled eggs with 1 teaspoon olive oil
  • 1 slice of whole-wheat bread
  • 1 small banana
  • A cup of tea or coffee with a bit of skim milk
  • 200 ml of water

Half morning

  • A handful of dried fruits such as walnuts, raisins, hazelnuts etc.


  • 1 bowl of chicken broth with half a cup of noodles
  • 1 plate of coleslaw, carrot, cucumber and Broccoli
  • 300 ml of light soda or water



  • A small mixed salad with 2 tablespoons of olive oil for dressing
  • 200 grams of chicken breast without the skin
  • 1 cup green beans
  • 300 ml of water

Menu 7 


  • 1 slice of whole-wheat bread
  • A pinch of butter
  • 1 cup of fruit
  • 1 tea or coffee

Half morning

  • A handful of nuts or a skimmed yogurt


  • A large salad garnished with salt and lemon (optional 2 teaspoons olive oil)
  • 1 can of 100 grams of natural tuna
  • 1 banana



  • 1 small mixed salad
  • 120 grams of grilled chicken breast
  • 1 cup green beans
  • 1 orange


A 1000 calorie diet can help you lose weight, yes. However, it is straightforward for you to experience the so-called “rebound effect” as soon as you stop the diet. You have been eating far less than what your body needs for a while. Therefore you have subjected it to poor nutrition. As soon as you start eating normally, it is more than likely that you will gain a few kilos.

The best and most recommended is to reduce your daily calories progressively and healthily. Opting for a reduction of about 400 calories and practicing sports is the best option you have to lose weight. In this way, you will be able to lose weight progressively and stably and, as soon as you usually eat, you will not gain weight but simply keep yourself.


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