Who are today’s bad guys?

What ticks me off the most is that the people think the FDA
is on their side. The problem is that what they do and what the “tricks” think
they do are like night and day.

We are lead to believe that the need for drugs and surgery are
touted as the solution for the prevention and healing of illness and disease. If
so, why are natural cures suppressed and hidden from the public by who?

First, not only the companies that sell drugs, but also the
ones that do the research and development of the drugs. In the health-care
industry the are companies that supply syringes, gauze, medical tape, plastic
bottles, tubing, tongue depressors and way more.   Would
you believe that there are 10,000 pieces of pharmaceutical equipment that are
used and have to be resupplied forever and the profits never end?

Then, we have the food companies that get involved directly
or indirectly with big pHarma because the owners, officers and directors become
stock holders. And what about the trade associations that are there to promote
disease so they can obtain additional funding to protect their members, which
are the drug companies and the doctors?

You have to understand that all these associations are very
powerful and are there to represent their members, which are the companies,
corporations and the people raking in the bucks.  Bear in mind that the American Medical
Association could care less about the consumer and only have an interest in what
benefits their members and in keeping their high paying jobs.

The charities and foundations are no different because power
and prestige are the keys. If a foundation focused on curing a disease, how
long would it take for pimps and hookers to loose their jobs and benefits? Do
you remember the Jerry Lewis Telethon that raised over $1 billion for muscular
dystrophy. So, how come more people today have muscular dystrophy than ever

You do know what a lobbyist does? They solicit politicians
to pass bills that go in one direction. To bring in money to pretend to cure
diseases and to benefit them financially along with the politicians.

What about the government agencies? We have the FDA (Fraud
and Drug Administration), the FTA (Federal Treachery Association), and the USDA
(US Department of A**holes), for openers. Do they care about the people? NO!
Back in the 90’s in California there was a slaughter house upwind of an almond
orchard that had a run-off that contaminated the almond orchard. Rather than
put restrictions on the slaughter house the USDA said that all almonds produced
in California had to be irradiated. Nothing like a government of, for and by
the people!

Let’s put big pHarma in it true perspective. First of all,
they are all publically traded companies whose true goal is increase profits. And
how do they do that? Sell more drugs! To sell more drugs you would have to
always keep people sick and not have anyone compete against them.

Question: Why do the drug companies give billions to the medical
schools? So that their drugs can be put in the text book curriculum teaching
the would-be doctor how to prescribe certain drugs, which guarantees sales of
those drugs by big pHarma.

There are two basics taught in medical schools: how to
prescribe drugs and how to eliminate parts of a person’s anatomy, aka surgery! When
they graduate and are finally “in practice”, big pHarma gives the doctors
all-expense paid trips to “medical conferences” world-wide. These “medical
conferences” are basically sales presentations by big pHarma, teaching the
doctor about drugs, how to prescribe them, and giving kickbacks aka “financial
incentives” to prescribe those drugs. Oh yeah, the “experts” at the “medical
conferences” are compensated by big pHarma.       

The short version: the drug dealers are trained in the
medical schools to prescribe drugs and are given incentives and additional
training throughout their medical careers directly by the drug industry to
prescribe more drugs!

For a drug company to get a drug patented and approved by
the FDA, it costs $800 million to $1.8 trillion.  Once the drug is approved and the patent
granted, it becomes the only company that can sell the drug and provides an
automatic billion dollars in the bank. 
Guess what? Natural cures cannot be patented because there are no large
profits made from selling a natural cure. There is a “law” from the FDA. “Only
a patented drug can cure, prevent, or treat a disease.

Big pHarma knows that the drugs that people are taking are
causing or contributing to the increases in cancer, heart disease, diabetes,
and way more, and yet it’s kept a secret. Why? “Gimmie da money, honey”!

 Think about all the
drugs that were “proven” to be totally “safe and effective” and approved by the
FDA and then years later taken off the market and banned because they became so
dangerous and caused all types of severe medical conditions, including bye bye
forever! And yet, you turn on your TV and virtually ever commercial is about a
“savior” pharmaceutical.

So, why are more and more things classified as a “disease”?
Because the FDA has the final word on what is a “disease.” If a natural product
appears and heals what the drug heals, that product can be confiscated by the
FDA and the business shut down.

Years ago, you got heartburn. Now you have Acid Reflux Disease and are prescribed a drug. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. 

Question: How come the FDA, the MDs and the drug industry never tell anyone that the human form is specifically and anatomically designed to eat plant-based foods, which leave the body in three days at the most while flesh foods leave the body in seven days allowing all the poisons and contaminants to pollute the body for a week and creating illness? MONEY!

All the creatures that eat flesh have short and virtually
straight digestive tracts. The digestive tract of the human is very convoluted.
That being the cause, it’s ok for muscles and poisons to sit there for seven days?
Just because the tongue has taken control of the intelligence doesn’t make it

Why will you never hear any of this via the media? Because
most of the money received by the media comes from the pharmaceutical industry
and the food industry. So, what that means is that you are virtually being lied
to by the media because the media is simply an extension of their sponsors and
guess who else gets involved?

The FDA targets natural remedies one at a time.  First, you get warned that the natural remedies
never get properly tested, are potentially dangerous and should not be used

All this raises a question: How can America, that presents
itself as a country of free speech, free expression, freedom of choice, freedom
of information and free enterprise be restricted to these freedoms when it
relates to our health and medical choices?

 If it goes against
big pHarma, the medical profession and big food, it is totally restricted!

Reality: There are natural, inexpensive, safe cures for
virtually every disease. But, big pHarma, big food, the associations and the
government agencies all have a financial incentive to keep people sick. Why?

There are billions of dollars in profits to keep people sick
and there are billions of dollars in profits as long as people keep taking Rx
drugs.  Money rules!

It’s time to make changes!





The post Who are today’s bad guys? appeared first on NaturalNewsBlogs.

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