Why are we being poked??

of us have been tested for TB, also known as tuberculosis,
for a job, school, or travel. Tuberculosis
is all around us, and it was actually
leading cause of death in the 20th
century. We readily take this skin or blood
test, but don’t always know what
certain conditions do to our body if we have them. This
bacterium, mycobacterium
tuberculosis, is not entirely easy to catch. When it does strike, TB affects
the lunges.
can also spread to the brain and spine.  

is spread through the air. Just like the germs of the flu or common cold, if
someone coughs or sneezes these germs, you can catch them. It
is caught by breathing the bacteria, not from
shaking someone’s hand, kissing, or sharing a drink. When
you breathe
in the germs, they grow (slowly) in the lungs. These germs take
a long time to spread,
and you have
be in contact for extended periods of time with the germs to take
That is why we typically get tested when we will
in contact with people repeatedly, such
as at work or school or on

disease has two types. Active TB means that the germs are in
your body multiplying and making you sick. You can then
spread tuberculosis to others. Latent TB means that the germs are in your body,
but they are not spreading. You may not even know you have this
because there are no symptoms. However, the disease is alive in your body and
could decide to become active. In fact, 90% of active TB cases arise from latent
TB that decided
to infect. 

There are two types of tests for TB. The skin test is done by injecting tuberculin into the skin on the arm. The person returns to the testing site within 48 to 72 hours to determine if the outcome is positive or negative. A blood test can also be sent to a lab to be tested.  

signs of TB when active include night
sweats, chills, fever, weight loss, coughing up blood, or
chest pain. It is also marked by a cough that persists (usually longer than 3
months). Persons that are more susceptible to
the disease are those who are undergoing chemotherapy,
have diabetes, have HIV or AIDS, have a low
body weight, or those who are malnourished. This is mostly due to a suppressed
immune system. A healthy immune system can ward off
TB, but even children and babies are at high risk
because they don’t have a fully
developed defense system yet.  

are natural remedies to help fight TB. Eating
custard apple
can help rejuvenate your tissues. Calcium can
help boost your immunity and target the bacteria in the lungs, so
drink your milk. Pineapple helps reduce mucus
formation which then helps this from spreading in your lungs. Bananas
help with body temperature and alleviate the cough associated with tuberculosis.
Mint and citrus can help clear the nasal passages. Garlic helps cure the
infection. Black pepper is an anti-inflammatory.
juice can help with TB symptoms.  

hold out our arm and have our blood drawn and leave the
without knowing what exactly we are being tested for. Only when the
results pop up positive do we pay attention. Even
though tuberculosis is a rare disease, it can be fatal.
Hand washing, covering your mouth when coughing…. the basics our parents taught
us about “cooties”, are
important life lessons.  






Dr. Megan Johnson McCullough owns a fitness studio in Oceanside CA called Every BODY’s Fit. She has a Doctorate in Health and Human Performance, M.A. in Physical Education & Health Science, and she’s an NASM Master Trainer & Instructor. She’s also a professional natural bodybuilder, fitness model, Wellness Coach, and AFAA Group Exercise Instructor. She has 6 books on Amazon too,.

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