Why Emptiness Is The Starting Point To Ending Anxiety

Have you recently encountered a feeling of emptiness that led you down a path of further self sabotage? Today I’ll show you the proper interpretation when it comes to this experience on the path towards ending anxiety.

When you let go of something you will feel a sense of emptiness prior to feeling lightness. In the world of an anxiety sufferer this empty feeling is a result of targeted inner work but unfortunately we see it more so as a problem than a reward. Imagine that, seeing emptiness as a reward for your courage and commitment towards ending anxiety for good.

What’s most important is your interpretation, the feeling itself holds no real power over you.

When we consistently are able to turn a bad situation into a good one we will begin defaulting to optimism over pessimism. That doesn’t mean we will live life happy as a clam 24 hours each and everyday. Rather, we will see things others cannot. Since most of the world is stuck in feelings of lack and dread over the future we as warriors going beyond anxiety can show them a new way to see problems, and begin solving them.

Emptiness is a grey area that looks to be filled on the path towards ending anxiety.

ending anxiety naturally

Imagine the possibilities and you will tap into them mentally.

Emptiness within the context of ending anxiety is like coming to a crossroad. You can either keep moving forward or revert back to a familiar but agonizing past. That familiar past is connected to living a limited existence, whereas using emptiness to create whatever identity you want to moves you into possibility.

What’s possible can only manifest when we choose to do things differently. But I’m not talking about behaviour, I’m talking about perception. Anyone can muster up the willpower to fight through an anxiety provoking situation. However, the kind of action I’m talking about is our ability to form a perception that fits with the identity we are looking to create. Today warrior, we take one more massive step forward towards ending anxiety and living a fulfilling life.

Enjoy today’s podcast on ending anxiety through a new perception around emptiness my friend, and I can’t wait to connect with you personally through our communities Facebook Page.

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