Why flu vaccines don’t work.

There are
some interesting parallels between what we ingest and the consistent
transformation of the flu virus. With the latest dietary guidelines calling for
three servings of low fat or non fat dairy a day, the average family with two
kids now consumes more than 85 gallons of milk a year. What the government does
not tell you, nor enforces the removal of, is that most milk is filled with
carcinogens and antibodies.

ingest dioxins, an industrial by-product and a known carcinogen, when they eat
contaminated grass. Milk that is conventionally produced often comes from cows
that are raised under disturbing farm conditions in that they may graze on
pastures that have been treated with pesticides, herbicide and sewage sludge.
When the cattle are not let outside, they feed on dried grass and hay, which
may be genetically modified, and fish meal, which may contain PCB’s and
mercury. Cows in conventional farms are often given antibiotics, even when they
are healthy, to prevent them from getting sick.

In some
factory farms, thousands of cows are crammed inside barns to allow easy access
for milking. Their milk production can be forced beyond normal capacity through
Monsanto’s synthetic growth hormone called rbST. Studies show that these cows
are more susceptible to diseases because their natural life cycle is being

So, when
you eat something that comes from a plant or animal that has been tampered with
by the “superior” intelligence of humans, that item you consumed becomes a part
of you on a molecular level. If cows ingest hormones, antibodies and
carcinogens, and you eat or drink anything from that cow, you are ingesting
those same antibodies and carcinogens.

Time after
time we self-medicate ourselves and in many instances, over-medicate. Rather
than let your immune system do its job, you do it for it and pop a pill. There
are times when external medication is possibly needed, like if you experience
an allergic reaction to something that puts your system into overdrive and you
need a histamine blocker to keep your immune system from causing you harm.

The flu
virus is not one of those incidents. Each year millions of people line up like
good little lemmings to take their flu shots. The shot you take is actually a
strand or strands of either dead or weakened flu viruses. With this in mind,
your immune system sends out antibodies in response, and the belief is that
that will keep you safe from the flu until next year.  

But, we’ve
been filling our bodies with antibiotics through our food. And, although the
milk supply is tested before it reaches consumers to make sure it doesn’t
contain antibiotics, the overuse of these medications might contribute to the
rise of drug-resistant bacteria, making some disease more difficult to treat.

This is
one of the main reasons that the flu virus mutates year after year. It
certainly appears that the flu virus is more intelligent than humans. We keep
trying to vaccinate and ward off all these viruses and bacteria, but this
forces them to mutate over and over.

Look at it
mathematically: if you have a virus you treat it with antibiotics to kill it,
which is

similar to
a vaccine, except that the antibiotic does the actual work of your immune

In the
process, some of the virus may not be eradicated and those antibodies have now
forced the virus to mutate.

Next time
around you might have some of the original virus and the mutated form to try
and kill. So what do we do? We create another medication or vaccine against the
two, and in turn, the second mutates again and maybe even the original strand
creates yet another new strand giving you three or more. What a lose, lose

What then
can you do to stay healthy during flu season?

 For one thing, never ever touch your hands to
your face, especially your mouth.

about what you could transmit from what you touch: handles, doorknobs, faucets,
and yes, money, which is probably the dirtiest of the dirty.

Next, you
might want to consider eating to build your immune system.

A vegan
diet centered around organically produced vegetables, fruits and grains will
give you optimum nutrition.

What about
fish, you ask? What about the mercury, I ask?

 Wage a war against your tongue and allow your
intelligence to prevail. And above all, if man made it, don’t eat it.

supplements are beneficial as well. If I had to choose one, it would be organic
sulfur crystals. Why? Because viruses cannot live in an oxygenated environment,
which is what the sulfur crystals release to permeate the cells and restore
them to their natural healthy condition.

Be aware
of changes in the weather and dress accordingly to keep your body heat secure.

plenty of water and fresh juices, power the antioxidants, never stop exercising
and get good rest and sleep.

Also, as a
parting word, Dr. Russell Blaylock, a prominent neurologist, has said that when
a senior takes a flu shot for five straight years, Alzheimer’s is right around
the corner.





The post Why flu vaccines don’t work. appeared first on NaturalNewsBlogs.

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