Due to grueling and time-consuming work schedules, young South Asians, especially those in their 20s and 30s, struggle to exercise regularly. In fact, those that relocate to the US for their post graduate degrees or to work are amazed at individuals much older than them- in their 40s and 50s, maintaining a much more active lifestyle.
There are many factors to this- Indian kids have been taught to prioritize academic and professional achievements over physical fitness. Hectic work schedules, commuting, sedentary lifestyles- especially those who sit on a desk all day, lack of awareness about the benefits of physical activity, limited accessibility of fitness facilities, parks, or recreational spaces and even in some cases, COVID19, traditional gender roles can play a significant role.
Regular physical activity obviously offers numerous health benefits, including….and I bet you didn’t know this…improved brain health, reduced risk of metabolic and infectious diseases, and strengthened bones and muscles. Surprisingly, only 34% of #SouthAsian Canadians— the lowest percentage among all ethnic groups— and 40% of South Asian Americans are actively engaged in physical activity.
Despite this, South Asians are less active than their European counterparts, requiring almost double the recommended amount of physical activity to achieve equivalent health benefits. So for 2024, I plan to do incorporate a little more yoga and gain more flexibility and will be posting my journey to my subscribers, so make sure you subscribe. what are you gonna do? I wanna know so leave your answer in the comments. Happy 2024!