Women can Take Coronavirus Vaccines During Menstruation

Women can take coronavirus vaccines during their periods, clarified the government. A social media post, being circulated widely, said that women should not take Covid-19 vaccines five days before and after their period cycle as their immunity is very less during the time.

“#Fake post circulating on social media claims that women should not take #Covid19Vaccine 5 days before and after their menstrual cycle. Don’t fall for rumours! All people above 18 should get vaccinated after May 1,” the PIB said in a tweet.

“Even if there is a connection, one unusual period is no cause for alarm,” they said.

‘Many reports have emerged in the US claiming that periods change after they got their coronavirus vaccines. However, so far, there’s no data linking getting vaccinated to changes in menstruation.’

The rumours were also quashed by doctors and activists, while urging people to get vaccinated. Vaccination in India has been opened for all above 18 years of age from May 1.

“A lot of patients messaging me asking if it’s safe/effective to take the vaccine during their period. Some silly WhatsApp rumour has spooked everyone. Your period has no effect on the vaccine efficacy. Take it as soon as you can. Spread the word, please,” Mumbai-based gynaecologist Dr Munjaal V. Kapadia said in a tweet.

Source: IANS

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