“YES” Club Kids ~ “Health, Wellness, & Safety”

“Here are the “YES” Club Core Group Kids with an Important Health, Wellness, and Safety Infomercial re: Our “Healing America” Project!
Besides increasing Anti-bacterial Disinfectants in the Air and on Surfaces…We encourage the “3 W’s”:
~ WEAR Your Masks…covering Your Mouth and Nose Greatly reduces the Risk of getting COVID-19…and it Protects YOU and Others, especially Your Loved Ones!
~ WATCH Your Social Distancing…being Careful of Close Contact eliminates the Coronavirus from catching or spreading!
~ WASH Your Hands…including Your Fingers, Thumbs, and Palms…and Use Hand Sanitizer!

For More info, Visit: https://yesclubcep.us/sounds-of-good-news-sogn

Donations will benefit our “Young Eagles Success” (YES) Club Children’s Charity!
