You Must Do This Daily As Part Of Your Anxiety Healing Plan

In today’s podcast episode I want to introduce you to a practice we don’t often think about but is necessary towards your anxiety healing plan. Enjoy, and please take a moment to comment below on your greatest insights.

Warriors, throughout each and every week of the anxiety guy podcast I will challenge you in different ways. I will challenge you mentally, behaviorally, and will put your old beliefs to the test. Unless we upgrade our belief systems we will never find change. But in order to upgrade these beliefs we must admit which ones are outdated and are not even ours.

Most of our beliefs are adopted and a proper anxiety healing plan consists of reversing these.

anxiety healing path

Today’s podcast episode is about practicing discomfort.

Discomfort and vulnerability is something many of us look to avoid and today we will face our fears instead. This is a practice, even a lifestyle. A lifestyle that says I am no longer wanting to live my life only doing things that bring comfort to me. Practicing discomfort will give you flexibility in how you see things and will enhance your life experience.

Open your heart up to this episode and I promise, you will benefit plenty. A proper anxiety healing plan involves some sort of behavioral or imaginative exposure work, and today is the day we dive deep. Life is about much more than avoiding what feels bad and solely moving towards what feels good. Soon you may not even know the difference between good and bad since your level of inner peace will heighten.

Enjoy the podcast episode war

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Beyond Anxiety – What To Expect On Your Path Towards Freedom (3rd book) can be purchased on Amazon here:

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F*** Coping Start Healing (2nd book) is now out on Amazon and you can pick up your copy today:

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